Shingle roofing has been the traditional choice for residential homes for a long time. In fact, many people might not be aware that metal roofing for their homes is even a possibility, let alone a great idea.
Because it’s so common, you’ll also most likely have an easier time hiring someone to install a traditional shingle roof than a metal one. But should you make such an investment just based on availability and ease? After all, your roof protects your home– and you, and your family.
What are the benefits of shingle roofing?
Like we mentioned above, shingle roofs are more common, which means that there are most likely more qualified contractors in your area prepared to install your shingle roof. When you’re in the market for a new roof, the investment can be overwhelming to you, making you want to just get it over with as quickly as possible.
Shingle roofs are also cheaper than metal roofs, so if you have a limited budget, a shingle roof might be your best (or only) option.
It’s also worth considering that if your roof ever needs to be replaced or repaired, you’ll also be more likely to get that done in a shorter amount of time due to the abundance of roofing contractors trained to install shingle roofs.
What are the drawbacks of shingle roofing?
One of the biggest drawbacks of a traditional shingle roof is longevity.
Depending on the amount of damage the roof sustains from the elements and the environment, your shingle roof could potentially only last 15 years! That means you’d have to be prepared to make the investment in a whole new roof much sooner than you might have anticipated.
Additionally, while initial installation for shingle roofing is relatively inexpensive, it’s not necessarily as durable as you might prefer– meaning that you might have to ultimately shell out a lot of money for roof repair or replacement.
What are the benefits of metal roofing?
While metal roofs are our specialty, the facts speak for themselves when it comes to the benefits of choosing a metal roofing system.
The biggest benefit of a metal roof: it lasts a whole lot longer than a traditional shingle roof. Several decades longer, in fact! Your metal roof, if it’s installed by experts and well-maintained when necessary, could actually last up to 70 years.
Metal roofs are also more energy-efficient than shingle roofs; they’re better-insulated to keep your heat or air conditioning from escaping. They also reflect heat away from the building rather than absorbing it like shingles do.
Another benefit of metal roofing is that, if you’re really interested in energy efficiency, it’s a whole lot easier to install solar panels on a metal roof than a shingle roof!
If you’re planning on selling your home anytime in the near future, a metal roof might also greatly increase the sale value of your home. Nobody wants to purchase a house that comes with roofing problems or is due for a whole new roof in the near future, but potential homebuyers will be excited to purchase a home that’s got an energy-efficient and long-lasting roof already installed!
Which material should I choose?
This question ultimately comes down to budget. A shingle roof is a less expensive initial investment– but keep in mind that it might require expensive repairs much sooner than a metal roof would.
Otherwise, it seems like a no-brainer. Metal roofs keep your home secure from the elements and help you save money on energy bills for decades. What’s not to love?
If you’re interested in making the switch to a metal roof, give the experts at Metal Roof Pros a call today. We’d be happy to answer any questions you might have about the process!