Before you spend a ton of money on a shiny, new metal roof, there are a few things you need to consider. In this article we talk about the top things to know before you choose metal roofing!
Understand Why You’re Paying So Much for Your New Roof
When looking into installing a metal roof for the first time, the prices can be daunting. But wait! Don’t panic! Sure, metal roofing is much more expensive on the front end. However, metal roofing materials will likely save you tons over the lifetime of the roof! Metal roofs last an average of nearly 50 years when maintained and cared for properly. Shingles would need to be repaired every few years and replaced at least every 25! Not to mention that metal roofing can lower energy bills by as much as 40% in the hottest months of the year due to their energy efficient qualities.
Know How Much You Want to Spend, and Don’t Exceed Your Budget
Now that you know why metal roofing is so pricey, it’s smart to set an absolute budget that you won’t budge from. Shop around, get some quotes, and find someone who will work with your budget. Research the different material options, styles, and colors. Don’t let anyone talk you into spending more than you want to for your metal roof. Your budget is king!
Make a Plan for Your Old Roof
When you install a new metal roof, your old shingles have to go somewhere! There are a few options to choose from when figuring out what to do with your old roof. First, you can simply tear it all off and replace it. Sometimes this can be a pricey option due to the extra labor. Second, you can opt for sub-purlin retrofitting – this is when new purlins are put in on top of the existing roof and can increase the structural integrity of your roof. Third, you could opt for stick-framing retrofitting. This option is great for homeowners who want to change up the layout and shape of their current roof! Fourth and lastly, some areas allow you to install new metal roofing materials directly on top of your current roofing materials – it’s wise to check with your area’s building code department to see whether or not this is allowed where you live.
Make Sure You Can Have a Metal Roof on Your Home
Speaking of checking with code departments – some Home Owners Associations and Municipalities have rules against metal roofing. It’s rare, but it happens. If you are part of a community organization, always check before spending a dime on metal roofing.
Understand Metal Roof Maintenance
We have great news for you – metal roof maintenance is much simpler than shingled roof maintenance. However, it’s best to know about it before you purchase a metal roof. To properly maintain a metal roof, you will want to inspect it (or have it inspected) after all major and severe weather events and at least once every other year. Make sure it stays free of debris, and give it a gentle cleaning every couple of years!
Choose the Right Team to Instal Your Metal Roof
The last thing to consider before installing a metal roof is who you choose to do the job! You want to go with a contractor or company that comes with glowing recommendations from their other customers. You can look up different companies on Google and read reviews from their previous clients!
If you live in Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Missouri, or Mississippi, you can simply call the Metal Roof Pros! We are always happy to answer any and all questions you may have, get you a quote, and provide the highest-quality metal roofing services around. Get in touch with our team of experts here.