“Do it Once, Do it Right!”




Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Mississippi

Metal roofing has seen a rise in popularity in recent years. However, metal roofing systems are in no way new. Copper roofing dates back to the 3rd Century B.C in Sri Lanka, where it was used atop the Lowa Maha Paya Temple, and the Romans have been using copper roofing since the year 27 B.C!

The recent rise in metal roofing systems can attributed to their ability to last lifetimes. Copper roofing can last over 100 years, while regular metal roofing systems can see lifespans of 20-70 years. A drastically different lifespan than the sibling roofing systems of asphalt shingles, which is only about 15-30 years. 

Though Metal Roofing Pros may not be hundreds of years old like the copper roofing systems in Sri Lanka and Rome, our roofs may last just as long. We manufacture our material, and we provide fully transferable warranties for our metal to ensure that your roof lasts a lifetime. For more information on how an MRP roof can last your home or business a lifetime, check out our FAQ. Now, let’s dive in.

Why Metal Roofing Can Last So Long:

Metal roofs are extremely durable. Built and designed to last, with the proper routine maintenance and care, your roof can last a lifetime. Depending on the materials you choose, and how often you maintain your roof, you can expect to rarely, if ever, need a metal roof replacement.

Additionally, metal roofing systems are designed to deter pests. Without wood or asphalt shingles to attract pests and harbor moisture, your roof won’t be hindered by unwanted guests. Metal roofs are quite difficult for pests to get into, and in general, deter insects from infesting.

A complex metal roofing system with high-performance components and installation methods will be built to be tough. If done correctly with high-quality material, your roof will be able to take a punch during extreme weather and conditions.

Factors that Shorten a Metal Roofs Lifespan:

Improper Installation:

Starting from the very beginning, the integrity and durability of your metal roofs are dependent on its installation. If your roof was installed improperly, faulty, or overall just badly, you can expect leaks, cracks, and other structural problems to occur. 

Moisture is often a huge factor in the death or ruin of a metal roof. Cracks can cause leaks and allow moisture into the insulation beneath, causing rust, structural damage, and eventually mold. All of which will eventually hinder the structural integrity, causing you to need a metal roof replacement.

Lack of Maintenance:

Though metal roofing systems need little to no maintenance, it is still advised that maintenance be performed the moment a problem arises. Without proper inspection, you may have no clue a problem has occurred, allowing it to fester and spread. It is recommended that a visual inspection of a metal roofing system be done about once or twice a year.

Another necessary step in metal roof management would be to keep your gutters clear. By clearing clutter and debris, you’ll keep moisture from entering your roof. Thus, extending its life. 

Extreme Weather:

Though metal roofing will be able to handle the punch of weather, consistent weather conditions could eventually affect your roof. Those who choose metal roofing in a mild climate can expect their roof to last longer than those in areas of heavy snow and rain, as well as high winds. Metal will be able to withstand these conditions better than most other materials, but eventually, wear and tear will accumulate as the storms come and go over the years.

Different metal panels will withstand these conditions better. For example, if you live in a location with high winds or tornados, you may want to choose panels with 3” trapezoidal divots. This type of panel will handle wind uplift better than other types. 

How to Tell if It’s Time to Repair or Replace Your Metal Roof:

Depending on the type of metal roofing system you have, the signs of metal roof decay or damage will be specific to the roof type. 

Standing Seam Metal Roof: 

A standing seam metal roofing system is a series of panels connected and locked together at the seams, or seamed together mechanically. This method allows for the panels to expand and contract freely as temperatures fluctuate. 

Signs Your Standing Seam Metal Roof Needs Replacing:

Standing seam metal roofing systems use a patented paint application process called Kynar 500. This process of paint application protects the metal panels from the elements, preserving the color of your roof, and protecting it from damage. 

Once applied, your roof will come with a 30-year paint warranty on the Kynar 500 finish. Though you won’t have to replace the roof the moment the warranty ends, it is a good idea to begin planning to replace your standing seam metal roof once it does. You can expect the paint to begin to decay sometime after the warranties end.

If your paint begins to fade from wear and tear, and you notice that your roof is rusting or the paint is rapidly fading, it is time for a metal roof replacement. The protective layer that the paint provides will no longer be effective. Eventually, you can expect the rust to create holes in your roof, adding moisture into the mix, and creating more problems.

If storm damage, blunt force, or other damage is caused to your roof, you will need to replace it sooner than later. In general, any damage to your roof’s protective paint will result in a need to eventually replace it. 

Additionally, damage to the metal panels themselves, usually caused by debris from storms like hail or falling tree limbs, will result in damage to your roof’s structural integrity. The sooner you replace your panels, the better. If you wait too long, a costly leak will likely hinder your day and your budget. Thankfully, you will find that storm damage will likely be covered by your homeowner’s insurance. With the right policy, you may even be able to have your entire roof replacement covered. 

Screw Down Panel (Exposed Fastener) Metal Roof:

Exposed fastener metal roofing systems are fastened using screws and washers that are installed directly through the metal panels. Because of the way these roofs are installed, the fasteners do not allow the metal to expand and contract with temperature changes. This can make these roofing systems prone to leaks. Often, because of this, these types of roofs are not recommended to be installed over heated living or workspaces. 

Signs Your Screw Down Panel Metal Roof Needs Replacing:

Just like a Standing Seam roof system, if you find that your paint is fading on your exposed fastener roof, it is time to begin considering a metal roof replacement. The lack of the paint’s protective barrier on the metal panels caused by fading or damage will result in damage to the roof itself. You can expect rust to build, holes to open, and leaks to occur.

As stated earlier, luckily, if any damage is the result of storm damage, insurance will likely help or cover the cost of replacing the damage. However, the damage must be addressed as soon as possible after it occurs. 

Something to look out for in your exposed fastener roofing system is the possibility of the fasteners wallowing out. Since the metal roof is fastened into the decking of the face of the metal panels, and because of the lack of ability to expand and contract during temperature fluctuations, the fasteners may begin to wallow out until they eventually become too big for the screws that hold the panels in place.

To avoid this issue from ruining your roof, routine maintenance is in order. Throughout your roof’s life, it is important to change out screws with a bigger size to avoid leaks. Failure to replace the screws will eventually make the roof susceptible to wind getting beneath the panels and prying them up.

Waiting too long to fix your wallowed-out fasteners will result in the need for a metal roof replacement sooner than later, and once a single panel needs replacing, you will likely need an entire metal roof replacement in the end. 

In Conclusion:

If you find that your metal roof is in need of a replacement, or you have questions about metal roof maintenance, pricing,  and repairs, fill out our contact form! Or, give the Metal Roof Pros a call at 1-855-738-3825. We’re always here to help you do it once, and to do it right!